Occupational Therapy Services

Occupational Therapy
Promoting independence and safety is key for quality of life and Hope Therapy and Consulting are able to provide home based assessments to understand how clients are managing day-to-day tasks such as cooking, cleaning, showering and getting dressed as well as activities such as engaging in leisure pursuits and accessing the community and make recommendations to support ongoing independence and safety in these activities.
Recommendations often include interventions such as appropriate equipment to facilitate function and minor modifications such as installing a rail in a shower. Hope Therapy and Consulting will work with the client and their significant others to ensure that the clients goals are the forefront of decisions and actions, and that wherever possible the best outcomes for the client are achieved.
How we can help?
People who benefit from Occupational Therapy assessment in their homes are:
People who are having falls
People who are finding it harder to stay at home
People with a disability
People who are ageing and becoming more frail
People who have had an injury or accident that has affected what they can do for themselves
Carers who need help in managing the person for whom they help
Linking people in with other services to support their needs
Hope Therapy and Consulting are registered with the following bodies to assist with funding of services:
Department of Veteran Affairs
NDIS (case managed and self managed)
Home care package providers
Private Health Insurers
Private fee paying (hourly rate)
If you have any questions about our fees or require a quote please don’t hesitate to contact our Office on 07 4667 3960.

Other Services
Hand Therapy
Hand therapy services include the treatment of both acute and chronic hand conditions.
Coaching and Mentoring provides us with the opportunity for facilitated reflective learning where we journey together to unpack where you are at right now both personally and professionally, identify learning opportunities and map a plan for the future to reach the potential you desire.
Remedial Massage
We have a dedicated and qualified remedial massage therapist based in our clinic.
Call us today
07 4667 3960